GOOGLE STOCK PRICE PREDICTION 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2035, 2040 AND 2050

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Hello everyone, Today we are discussing about Google stock price prediction in this article we give the complete information about Google stock which is very helpful for you guys after read this complete article you can easily understand the future price prediction of this stock , In this article we give the information about Google stock overview, Google company future plans, Google stock marketcap , etc .

So guys before starting our articles we want to tell you that, the technical data shown in our articles which is completely taken by technical analysis or machine learning it gives the basis idea about future stock price prediction so friends before investing in this stock you have done the research about this particular stock which is very beneficial for you guys in investment , so without wasting time let’s start our new article ( GOOGLE STOCK PRICE PREDICTION 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2035, 2040 AND 2050 ) .

Google stock price prediction
(Image Credit – Getty Images)

What Is Google Company

Company Name Google, INC
Speciality Search Engine Industry
FoundersLarry Page , Sergey Brin
CEOSundar Pichai
HeadquatersCalifornia , US
Future Plan Ballons Walls and Robot manufacture
Revenue 2022 282.8B USD
Net Income 2022 60.0B USD
Total Assets 2022 365.3B
official website
Google Company Overview

Company name is Google Inc , this company is search engine industry as you can say that world biggest search engine platform, this company was founded in 1998 and the founder of this company is Larry Page , the CEO of this company is Sundar Pichai , headquarter of this company is in California (us) , the future plans of this company is to manufacture Ballons Walls and Robots.

In 2022 this company make the revenue of 282.8B USD and the NetIncome was 60.0B USD

Google Stock Overview

Valuation overviewValue / Price
Market Cap 1.6T
Book Value 20.51$
Dividend Share 0.0
3 month return 38.36%
1 year return 9.54%
3 year return 73.69%
Google Stock Overview

As you can see in above table the marketcap of Google inc is 1.6T and the book value is 20.51$ if we talk about stock monthly or yearly return so that would be enough to tell the power of Google stock it is very good 3 months returns is 38.36% , 1 year return is 9.54% and 3 year return is 73.69%

Google Stock Price Prediction 2023 | Google Stock Forecast 2023

2023 91$ – 133$
Google stock price prediction 2023

In 2023 the price of this stock fluctuate between 91$ to 133 $ the minimum price of this stock is 91$ and the maximum price would be 133$ if we talk about average price so it would be 110$ .

Google Stock Price Prediction 2024 | Google Stock Forecast 2024

2024 104$ – 151$
Google stock price prediction 2024

In 2024 stock price of Google inc is between 104$ to 151$ the minimum price of this stock is 104$ and the maximum price would be 151$ reumers say that this stock touch the mark of 150$ very easily.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2025 | Google Stock Forecast 2025

2025 116$ – 168$
Google stock price prediction 2025

If we talk about google stock price prediction 2025 then this stock You will not be disappointed, the minimum price of the stock will be 116$ or the maximum price will be 168$

Google Stock Price Prediction 2026 | Google Stock Forecast 2026

2026 120$ – 204$
Google stock price prediction 2026

Google stock price prediction 2026 according to technical analysis we know that the minimum price of the stock will be 120$ and the maximum price will be 204$.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2027 | Google Stock Forecast 2027

2027 151$ – 254$
Google stock price prediction 2027

If you are a good investor, then you should come to research about the stock, before purchasing any stock, you must know the present and past of that company, only then you will be able to make money from the stock market, do the same thing Google Stock Price Prediction 2027 So this stock will be between 151$ to 254$ in 2027 as investors have said about google stock .

Google Stock Price Prediction 2028 | Google Stock Forecast 2028

2028 196$ – 273$
Google stock price prediction 2028

Google stock will remain at $196 with its minimum price in the starting months of 2028 and by the end of the year this stock will touch the figure of $273 with a good growth .

Google Stock Price Prediction 2029 | Google Stock Forecast 2029

2029 234$ – 286$
Google stock price prediction 2029

This stock will comfortably touch $250 in 2029. The stock price will be between $234 – $286. In the year 2029, the minimum price of Google stock will be $234 and the maximum price will be $286.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2030 | Google Stock Forecast 2030

2030 274$ – 331$
Google stock price prediction 2030

In the year 2030, Google stock can reach a high price of $ 331, moving from its front position of $ 274. This shows its better performance. Stock will stand in high jump on its potential even after so many years.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2035 | Google Stock Forecast 2035

2035 330$ – 405$
Google stock price prediction 2035

By the year 2035, this stock can reach a maximum price of $405, moving forward with a minimum price of $330. This is one of its best performance.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2040 | Google Stock Forecast 2040

2040 505$ – 555$
Google stock price prediction 2040

Starting the year 2040, the minimum price of this stock will be $500 and the maximum price of the stock will be $550 at the end of the year.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2050 | Google Stock Forecast 2050

2050 766$ – 810$
Google stock price prediction 2050

Google Stock Price Prediction 2050 This stock will give good returns in the year 2050, such big investors are telling, but it is expected that this stock will touch the figure of $ 550 in the year 2050.

Google Stock Price Prediction 2023 To 2050

2023 91$ – 133$
2024104$ – 151$
2025116$ – 168$
2026120$ – 204$
2027151$ – 254$
2028196$ – 273$
2029234$ – 286$
2030274$ – 331$
2035330$ – 405$
2040505$ – 555$
2050766$ – 810$
Google Stock Forecast 2023 – 2050 | Google stock forecast 2023 – 2050

As you can see in the above table, this stock will lie near 100$ in 2023, after that this stock will touch the figure of 150$ in the year 2025 with its fast growth, in the same year 2030 this stock will touch the mark of 300$ comfortably and according to this constant growth, this stock will touch the figure of 800$ very comfortably by the year 2050.

FAQ – people also asked

Q1 – What will google stock be worth in 2025?

Ans – Google stock will hit $150 mark in 2025 and will give good money to investors

Q2 – What will google be worth in 2040?

Ans – In the year 2040, Google’s stock price will be around $ 500 and this stock will always give good returns to investors.

Q3 – Can google hits $5,000?

Ans – So far no investors have claimed that Google will hit $5000.

Q4 – what is the target price for google in 5 years?

Ans – In 2023 price will be 100$ , 2024 price will be 154$ , 2025 price will be around 180$ , 2026 price will be 210$ , 2027 price will be around 240$ , 2028 price will be 270$ .

Q5 – Is google a riskey investment?

Ans – If you follow the advice of top investors so Google stock is stable and secure investment.

Q6 – Who is google competitors?

Ans – Bing, Yahoo are the top competitors of Google .

Q7 – What is google stock price be in 2025?

Ans – In 2025 Google stock price will be around 140$ .

Q8 – Is google a good stock to hold ?

Ans – every big investors suggest to hold the Google stock because stock gives the high return in future.

Q9 – What will google stock be worth in 5 years?

Ans -In 2023 Google stock minimum price is around 90$ and after 5’year it will increase and touches the mark of 250$.

Q10 – Is google a stable investment ?

Ans – Yes Google stock is a stable investment because Google is the world biggest search engine and in future it will be increase their products .

Read more – BOEING STOCK FORECAST 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2035, 2040 AND 2050

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Read more – EXXONMOBIL STOCK FORECAST 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026, 2028, 2030, 2035, 2040 AND 2050

Conclusion –

I sincerely hope that you would have liked this article google stock price prediction, with the help of this article, we told you the price prediction of google stock in a very simple language, if you have any doubt related to this article, then definitely tell us in the comment, we will answer your question. On this website you will get to see finance related stock and crypto price predictions now guys see you with the new article, till then thanks

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